Friday, October 12, 2007

One of our friendly neighborhood, thats hairy

October 12 - "My Feet Are Cold" (this is going to be a long one)

We really miss you all so much. It's Friday evening (1800) and we are all in the kitchen. Jenn is making dinner (a little of this and a little of that), Kaela Jane is standing on the stool coloring in her new Mickey Mouse activities book and I am sitting on a camping chair watching the girls do their thing.

I have just finished week number three at Puget Sound Energy. I know I told everyone that I would never work for a corporation I am once again. To be honest, its the best experience I have ever had working in a cubicle...seriously. They treat all the employees with respect and really take care of each and every one of us. Check this out!! Normally, back home, I could walk a hallway at work saying hello to ten people and I would in return get one or two responses. Here, you can"'t Prairie Dog (stick your head out of the top of your cube) without peeps saying "hello, "good morning" or "hey, you wanna go to Starbucks?". I am not exaggerating...I never exaggerate...ever. So, everything at work is going really well. I am learning so much. Working in the commercial industry is such a bizarre is so flexible. There were so many regulations in the defense industry when it came to contracts. Here...they just tell me to go ahead and write that contract....No we don't need to get approval from anyone...just send it off. Strange. Enough about Puget Sound Energy...oh wait!! Did you know that 5% of PSE's energy is renewable? Consumers can actually choose to purchase renewable energy...up to 7% of their monthly bill. Green Washington peeps.

Jennifer - Well, lets just say she doesn't even have time to teach ice skating with all the work she is doing around the house. This house is 2200 sq ft...with a basement, garage and a yard (front and back). We were told that the house was cleaned prior to our move in date. Well, I am guessing a homeless person and seven dogs were hired to live here for a few days in exchange for some cleaning. I am also positive that this homeless person got on his or her cell phone and called all other local homeless peeps to have a party. This place was disgusting. I won't go into what was cleaned off of the walls in each and every room (hint- it was all waist high down to the baseboards). NASTY! Well, you know Jennifer...she has been on a rampage. We can actually walk around the house without shoes. You'd have to be crazy to not have shoes on around here...its way too cold. She has done a fantastic job so far. Oh...did I mention the awesome meals she has been dishing out? Lets try some math - Weeks of rain+cold+lots of good food=Jason is going to put on some weight! Pray for Jennifer...she is tired. There is so much still to be done.

Kaela Jane - She is just KK....always having a blast. Her vocabulary is so amazing. Everyday she is coming up with something new...its awesome. She is still saying some of the funniest "big kids" her age normally do. She just took her pants off in the kitchen. I asked her why she was doing that. She says,"Well, I have to go see Mommy". What?? That is so bizarre! Anyway, she is really doing well with the move. She does say often that she would like to go to her "udder home in Sousand Oaks". All three of us seem to miss home this week.

So, today's blog is getting a bit long...sorry. I am including some pictures below for your viewing pleasure.

One more thing...I need to include some other updates. Things are happening around our friends and family that you may want to know about:

Jason Andrist has successfully accepted a position with the Peace Corp. Way cool! He will be leaving in May of 08 heading off to South America for 27 months of duty. More to come on this as we here more from Jason.

Dan is almost finished with building the garden. Its pretty sick!

Mike Forrest is somewhere in Europe. We miss you man. If you read this, send me an email..I wanna know if your ok.

Ruth Barone is going to nursing school. Ruth...just look it up on and wikipedia!! You won't have to waste all that time driving to school silly.

The Stephens - Junior should be here any day!!! We are all waiting for the call John.

Thats it for now...whew. I think my computer is out of ink.